In the spirit of international collaboration, GYIN Gambia Chapter teams up with ASA Engagement Global to welcome two interns from Germany each year. Our interns support our projects, sharing knowledge, and building global connections.

Today, we bid a fond farewell to Jana, one of our recent German interns, after her remarkable three-month stay with us. During her time here, Jana left an unforgettable mark on our organization and on our members. She wholeheartedly embraced her role by organizing and conducting an entrepreneurship training program. This initiative empowered numerous young individuals with the skills and knowledge to embark on their entrepreneurial journeys, opening doors to a brighter future. But Jana’s contributions went far beyond the classroom. She took the lead in planning and conducting personal development activities, including an eye-opening Canva graphic design workshop. This session equipped many of our members with valuable design skills, offering new avenues for creative expression and career opportunities.

Jana supported GYIN Gambia with her great knowledge and experience in Resource mobilization. Her unwavering dedication and tireless efforts ensured that we had the resources needed to continue our activities and programs. Her resourcefulness was instrumental in our mission to make a positive impact in our community. Jana’s involvement extended beyond our office as she actively participated in various events, strengthening our network and supporting GYIN Gambia with all of her efforts.  Her expertise in marketing, communications, project management as well as proposal writing was invaluable, enabling us to explore new opportunities for growth and outreach.

We consider ourselves extremely lucky and grateful to have had Jana as part of our GYIN family. Her unwavering dedication to our mission and her exceptional work ethic have left an enduring legacy. Her stay with us has enriched not only our organization but also the lives of those she touched.

As Jana embarks on her next adventure, we want to express our deepest gratitude for her outstanding contributions. We wish her success and fulfillment in all her future endeavors. The bond between Jana and GYIN Gambia Chapter is a testament to the power of international cooperation and the impact of dedicated youth-led innovation.

Thank you, Jana, for your remarkable dedication and the positive change you’ve brought to our organization! Your legacy will always hold a special place in our hearts.

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