On Saturday, 17th February 2024, GYIN Gambia, in partnership with the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), conducted a training session for 30 Returnee Migrants, Women, and Youth farmers selected across the country. Held in Jarra Soma, Lower River Region (LRR), this initiative aimed to enhance farmers’ knowledge and skills in planting Chilli Pepper, ultimately leading to increased production and productivity.
The project, funded by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) in Canada and implemented by GYIN Gambia Chapter, focused on various aspects of the Chilli Pepper value chain, including Good Agronomic Practices, Production Planning, Marketing & Market Linkage, and strengthening LINDEP platforms. By equipping farmers with comprehensive training on these topics, the project seeks to empower them to optimize their agricultural practices and maximize their yields.
Through interactive sessions and hands-on demonstrations, participants gained valuable insights into best practices for Chilli Pepper cultivation, from land preparation to post-harvest management. Additionally, they received guidance on effective production planning and strategies to access markets and establish market linkages, essential for ensuring profitability and sustainability in agribusiness ventures.
The collaboration between GYIN Gambia and the Commonwealth of Learning underscores a shared commitment to promoting agricultural development and empowering farmers, particularly Returnee Migrants, Women, and Youth, who play a crucial role in driving rural transformation and sustainable development.
As the project progresses, GYIN Gambia remains dedicated to providing ongoing support and mentorship to participating farmers, ensuring they continue to benefit from the knowledge and skills acquired during the training session.