A collaboration that could potentially lead to innovative projects and initiatives, that benefit communities, especially in areas of youth empowerment, entrepreneurship, sustainable development among others.

Mr. Ebrima Jatta, Chairperson of CASA Gambia, welcomed GYIN Gambia, on 4th September, in their office and after a brief introduction, he went on to highlight their diverse focus areas, including IT skills development, capacity building, charity work, advocacy, agriculture, environment and climate change.

Mr. Amadou A. Jallow, Education Coordinator, CASA Gambia dwelled on some of their achievements and success stories from various projects implemented by CASA Gambia, saying that a two-year project was successfully implemented within six months.

Another successfully project implemented was a school in Brufut, now serves 1,700 students with 36 classrooms, with a later expansion of 10 more classrooms to accommodate more students, school renovations, technical school support all successfully rendered to the community. He talked about policy advocacy focused on demanding rights, utilizing local resources and fundraising.

Mrs. Ida L.B Ceesay, Business Development Officer, GYIN Gambia, highlighted on GYIN Gambia’s previously successfully implemented and ongoing projects. She spoke on the Trade Facilitation West Africa (TFWA) project which focuses on cross-border traders.

Ms. Jainaba Njie, Programme Officer, GYIN Gambia talked on GYIN Gambia’s climate change initiative, which focuses on addressing environmental issues, saying that the project aims to raise awareness, promote action, collaborate with stakeholders. This project, she said is in collaboration with Inspiresouls in Germany and Rwanda and is funded by the Africa Europe Foundation and will run until 2025 and includes panel discussions and marketing efforts to drive engagement and solutions.

Mamadou Edrisa Njie, Executive Director, GYIN Gambia said collaboration is indeed crucial for driving community development in The Gambia. By working together, he said both organizations can pool resources, share expertise, create more impactful and sustainable initiatives.

Njie spoke at length on collaborative efforts adding that it can significantly contribute to the socio-economic development of The Gambia.

In his closing remarks, Mr. Jatta urged GYIN Gambia to provide a detailed overview of the action plan and the draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

Present at the meeting were representatives from CASA Gambia, including

Mr. Ebrima Jatta, Chairperson, CASA Gambia, Mr Amadou A. Jallow, Education Coordinator, CASA Gambia, Bakary Sawanneh, Accountant and Ms Naffie Ndow, Partnership Coordinator as well as Mamadou Edrisa Njie, Executive Director, GYIN Gambia, Mrs. Ida L.B Ceesay, Business Development Officer, GYIN Gambia and Ms. Jainaba Njie, Programme Officer, GYIN Gambia.

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