In the dynamic landscape of international development, collaboration and partnership play a pivotal role in achieving sustainable and impactful change. The Gambia has been a stage for remarkable cooperation between organizations and institutions dedicated to promoting development and addressing migration challenges. In this spirit of collaboration, the Gambian-German Centre recently hosted a 2-day Joint Preparatory Workshop with key partners, focusing on the upcoming transition of services under the Global Programme Centers for Migration and Development (ZME). This workshop was held at the serene Sindola Safari Lodge in Kanilai from September 21st to 23rd, 2023.
The Global Programme Centers for Migration and Development (ZME), commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), is set to be implemented in The Gambia for approximately 1.5 years, from August 2023 to November 2024. One of the critical aspects of this program is the planned handover of services to local partner structures during its term. This handover process is seen as a vital step in ensuring the sustainability and long-term impact of the program’s efforts in The Gambia.
As the ZME program enters its final phase in The Gambia, successful joint planning and implementation with partners, both political and implementing, are paramount to the smooth transition and effective continuation of services. This collaborative approach not only ensures the legacy of the program but also strengthens the capacity of local institutions and fosters a sense of ownership among them.
The Joint Preparatory Workshop held at Sindola Safari Lodge gathered 45 participants representing various partner institutions. These included government entities, educational institutions, youth and sports organizations, civil society, and private sector actors. This diverse group of stakeholders is a testament to the broad scope of the ZME program and the inclusive approach taken towards its implementation.
Some of the key partner institutions present at the workshop were:
Ministry of Trade, Industry, Regional Integration and Employment (MOTIE):
- Directorate of Employment
- DOL Public Employment Services
University of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology (USET) / Gambia Technical Training Institute (GTTI):
- Directorate of Professional Development
- Directorate of Engineering
- Mansakonko Centre
- Julangel Centre
Ministry of Youth & Sports:
- National Youth Council – The Gambia and Regional Youth Structures/Regional Migration Information Centres
- National Enterprise Development Initiative (NEDI)
The University of The Gambia:
- UTG Career & Wellness Counseling Centre
Civil Society Organizations:
- The Gambia Red Cross Society
- Global Youth Innovation Network (GYIN Gambia Chapter)
Private Sector Actors:
- Gambia Investment and Export Promotion Agency
- Gambia Youth Chamber of Commerce
- GAMJOBS – Find your dream job in Gambia
The overarching goal of the joint planning workshop was to foster a well-functioning cooperation among all partners involved. This was achieved by enhancing a common understanding of the process and the results matrix, which includes objectives and outcomes. The workshop also aimed to encourage joint implementation and the potential takeover of certain services by local partners, ultimately promoting local ownership and sustainability.
In conclusion, the 2-day Joint Preparatory Workshop was a testament to the commitment of various stakeholders to ensuring the successful transition of the ZME program in The Gambia. The coming months and years will undoubtedly see the fruits of this collaborative endeavor as local institutions take on a more significant role in shaping their future. The message is clear: when organizations and institutions come together, working tirelessly to achieve a common goal, the possibilities for positive change are boundless.